Symptoms and Treatments of Stool Parasites
A protozoan stool parasite called E. histolytica causes an illness called amebiasis. Approximately 90 percent of infections are asymptomatic, but E. histolytica can be fatal. Parasites attached to the intestinal lining can cause bleeding ulcers.11. Kucik, Corry J., et al. ‘Common Intestinal Parasites.’ American Family Physician, 1 Mar. 2004,
In severe cases, parasites break through the intestinal wall and travel through the bloodstream to the liver, lungs and brain. Severe infection can cause bloody diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, liver abscesses, fever, malnutrition and weight loss. Very rare cases result in an intestinal blockage.11. Kucik, Corry J., et al. ‘Common Intestinal Parasites.’ American Family Physician, 1 Mar. 2004,