Symptoms and Treatments of Stool Parasites

By errol
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 1. Kucik, Corry J., et al. 'Common Intestinal Parasites.' American Family Physician, 1 Mar. 2004,
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Managing Complications

Although severe complications of stool parasite infections aren't typical, they do occur. Liver abscesses can burst and release infectious fluid into the abdominal cavity. This is a medical emergency. Doctors may drain infected fluids and follow up with IV antibiotics. Sometimes, surgery is necessary to drain fluids or remove abscesses.11. Kucik, Corry J., et al. ‘Common Intestinal Parasites.’ American Family Physician, 1 Mar. 2004,

An intestinal blockage caused by worms or protozoa is potentially life-threatening. Medical professionals may try to surgically remove the blockage, but sometimes damaged intestinal tissue is removed as well.

Stool Parasites

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