Signs of Heat Exhaustion

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. Rapid Heartbeat

A rapid and weak heart rate is another common sign of heat exhaustion. The body, in particular the cardiovascular system, works harder on hot days than cooler days. Your body needs to reroute blood to cool off, and sweat leads to the loss of vital minerals. Each of these natural temperature control mechanisms affects the heart, which is why it is critical to monitor your heart rate during hot days.

As the body forces more blood to the skin to help eliminate some of the excess heat, the heart is working harder to circulate the blood to the necessary regions. Did you know that on a hot day, your heart circulates blood two to four times more than on a cool day? Unfortunately, in extreme temperatures, your body loses sodium, potassium and other minerals as well, which leads to a heart without adequate electrolytes to function. The increased action of the heart is a major reason that heat exhaustion is potentially dangerous.

Heat Exhaustion

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