Signs of Heat Exhaustion

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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8. Pale Skin

Reduced blood supply can also result in pale and clammy skin, which is another sign of heat exhaustion. Your skin tone is an excellent reference to overall health. If you notice a tonal shift in the color of your skin, especially on hot days, then you might be experiencing signs of heat exhaustion, in which case you should move indoors to an air-conditioned area, if possible.

Of course, pale skin does not exclusively denote a heat-related illness. Paleness can be the result of several other factors, from natural complexion to another illness. However, if you are experiencing clammy hands and skin that is cool to the touch on a hot, humid day, then it is a strong sign that you should move indoors and rehydrate. Don’t risk your health.

Heat Exhaustion

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