Signs of Heat Exhaustion

By brett
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Confusion

When the body is working diligently to maintain a cool system but it does not have the required nutrients, you can experience confusion. A lack of blood flow to the brain combined with dehydration and the loss of essential minerals can result in disorientation and jumbled speech. If you ever notice yourself or someone else acting a little off on a hot day, find a cool shelter or call 911.

When it comes to heat-related illnesses, heat exhaustion is not the most life-threatening, and it can usually be mitigated with a change of scenery and some water. However, when the signs pile up, it is necessary to take immediate action. Don’t push your body beyond its limits. Find a safe, air-conditioned space, take a breather and wait for cooler weather.

Heat Exhaustion

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