10 Symptoms of Paget's Disease

By james
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Breast cancer is a potential problem for women all over the world. While it can be treated with relative ease when caught in the early stages, it is potentially fatal if treatment is left too late. Women are encouraged to perform regular examinations on themselves, and to see a doctor should they find a lump or anything else unusual.

Paget’s disease is a rare form of breast cancer. It affects the nipples specifically and can radiate out to the rest of the breast. As with other types of cancer, early diagnosis will make a full recovery more likely.

Below are some of the symptoms that you are likely to encounter with Paget’s disease.

Symptom #1: Discharge

Women may sometimes experience discharge from their nipples when they are pregnant. This is usually just excess milk leaking from their breasts. Some skin conditions may also cause a discharge to occur, but other than that, it is not normal.

One symptom of Paget’s disease is a discharge from the nipples that is yellow and sometimes bloody. This is a symptom of a range of potentially serious conditions so it is something that should be checked out. Remember that catching serious diseases early on will help your chances of making a full recovery, so it is worth seeing your doctor just to be sure.

Paget's Disease

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