10 Best Keto Fruits

By tallene
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Keto Fruit #8: Coconut

Coconuts are often forgotten as they are not commonly consumed. However, this fun tropical fruit is a ketogenic fruit. Some say coconuts are not a fruit. Rather, some state the food item is seed. And some say the food is both.

In just a ½ cup of coconut, there are 13 grams of fat and just 2.5 grams of net carbohydrates. Coconuts can be tricky to work with. However, the benefits are worth it. It is recommended to open the coconut, scoop out all the meat, and store in the fridge. Coconut can also be bought dried or canned. If you are buying the canned version, make sure to pay attention to the labels. Some versions may have a significant amount of added sugar.

Keto Fruits

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