10 Best Keto Fruits

By tallene
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Keto Fruit #7: Citrus

Worried you might have to cut back on the lemons and limes you put in your water or to season your food on the keto diet? Well, no worries because lemons and limes are safe on the keto diet. In addition, lemons and limes provide a significant amount of vitamin C and antioxidants for just 4 to 5 grams of carbs. However, because most people only sprinkle or squeeze lemons or limes on food or in water, chances are you aren’t even consuming a full serving.

Citrus such as lemons and limes are great for keto. However, be wary of oranges and grapefruit. These fruits contain significant amounts of carbs in comparisons to lemon and limes.

Keto Fruits

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