10 Home Remedies For Leg Cramps

By albert
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Home Remedy #3: Stretch or Walk

Whenever you have a leg cramp, try to remain physically active. One way of doing this is to do a bit of walking or stretching. Do this gently so that it does not aggravate the pain. While exercise may tend to start with a little pain, this is generally bearable and will soon ease as you keep at it.

When you take a walk or do some stretching, your nerves convey signals to your brain to indicate that your muscles should contract and relax. This eventually provides you with relief from the discomfort as the cramping eases and your muscles relax. To ease a leg cramp, you can stretch for about 15 to 30 seconds, or go for a gentle walk. You can also make it a routine to stretch your muscles daily before you sleep.

Leg Cramps

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