Benefits of Bladderwrack

By amanda
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5. Bladderwrack and Eye Health

There are several reports that suggest bladderwrack could be beneficial to overall eye health. One reason for this is that brown seaweed normally contains a good amount of vitamin A. Also known as beta-carotene, vitamin A is responsible for keeping the surface of the cornea moist and protected from environmental irritants and toxins.

Brown seaweed also contains fucoidan and fucoxanthin. The nutrient fucoxanthin is what gives the bladderwrack its unique brownish hue. Some research suggests both fucoxanthin and fucoidan are useful for improving and supporting the health of the eye. These nutrients may help to slow the process of macular degeneration caused by age and exposure to sunlight. Still, more studies must be conducted to understand exactly how brown seaweed benefits the general health of the eye.


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