Can You Freeze Zucchini?

By jamie
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Zucchini, also known as courgette, is a popular vegetable that many people grow in their own gardens. It is a type of summer squash that can reach as long as 1m in length, but it is usually harvested when young. It is suitable in a wide range of dishes, from fresh summer salads to hot soups and baked dishes.

Because zucchini is such a flexible vegetable, it is good to have around the home. It doesn’t last forever, though, so you will need to find a way to store it if you are not able to use it all in time. One way you can do this is by freezing it, and here’s a few ideas on how to get the best results.

1. Blanch

Zucchini contains enzymes that, over time, will cause the vegetable to become discolored and softened. What’s more is that these enzymes can also cause the vegetable to decrease in nutritional value over time. Hence, when planning to store them for a long time, it is best to destroy these enzymes where possible.

This can be achieved by blanching, and this is a fairly simple process. First, slice the zucchini, and then place them into boiling water for around 45-60 seconds. Then, remove the zucchini and immediately place them into cold water. This should help them to keep longer, while also helping to keep them crispy.

Freeze Zucchini

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