What Is the Lymphatic System?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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3. Gross Anatomy - Lymphatic Vessels

Lymphatic capillaries are blind-ended tubes with walls that are only a single cell in thickness. These are arranged to overlap so pressure from the capillary forces allows fluid to enter the capillary. As the lymphatic capillaries coalesce, it forms a bigger network of tubes in the body known as lymphatic vessels.

These vessels grow larger and eventually form two main lymphatic ducts known as the right lymphatic duct responsible for draining the upper-right quadrant an the thoracic duct, which is responsible for draining the rest of the lymphatic tributaries. Lymphatic vessels also have valves that prevent the backflow of lymph. The contraction of smooth muscles and skeletal muscles help move the lymph through the vessels.

Lymphatic System

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