What Is the Lymphatic System?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Diseases of the Lymphatic System - Lymphoma

Lymphoma is cancer of the lymphatic system. It usually begins with malignancy in the lymphocytes located in the lymph nodes. It can be broadly categorized into Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Patients often experience lymphadenopathy, weight loss, night sweats, and chronic fatigue.

Approximately 90% of lymphoma have been observed to be non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Risk factors include infection with the Epstein Barr virus, positive family history, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, human T-lymphotropic virus infection, autoimmune disease, tobacco smoking, and use of immunosuppressants. It can be diagnosed using a lymph node biopsy, medical imaging, and other tests. Treatment generally involves chemotherapy, surgery, radiotherapy, and targeted therapy.

Lymphatic System

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