What Is Heat Stroke?

By kevin
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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While heat stroke is the most serious condition that can occur from being overly exposed to hot temperatures, there are other issues that you should also watch out for. The early phases of heat stroke, known as heat exhaustion, can be less serious than heat stroke, but if left ignored even mild cases of overheating can quickly get much worse. Sunburn can also be an issue to watch out for. In addition to increasing your risk of skin cancer, it can make it harder for your body to regulate temperature.

Heat stroke can be a scary thing to deal with, but there are many ways you can prepare yourself to handle it and hopefully avoid it entirely. Once you are informed about the risks of heat stroke, it can be worthwhile to talk about it with your family so that you can all look out for each other. The potential dangers of overheating can generally be avoided, and as long as you use a little extra caution you should still be able to enjoy all your favorite outdoor activities.

Heat Stroke

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