What Is Croup In Adults?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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9. Can Croup in Children Be Dangerous?

Croup is much more common in children than in adults. For the most part, a bout with croup will last somewhere between three and five days. Still, this doesn’t mean that all cases are so simple. A child who shows persistent symptoms of croup should be taken to a doctor. However, certain symptoms require immediate medical attention. Visit an emergency room if you notice your child has severe difficulty breathing, discoloration of the skin and lips, or severe agitation. These can all indicate a more intense case of croup that requires more involved treatment.

Severe cases are not as common in children. In a majority of cases, a visit to the doctor and a few days of rest will be enough to have a little one feeling back to normal.

Croup In Adults

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