What Is Croup In Adults?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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7. Can Croup in Adults Be Prevented?

Though rare in adults, preventing croup in anyone requires the same precautionary steps as avoiding other seasonal viruses and common colds. Wash your hands often, especially when you are out in public. Viruses spread through airborne droplets that originate in the nose and mouth. Should you get these droplets on your hands after touching a contaminated surface, like a doorknob, you can spread the virus to yourself by touching your face, eyes, or mouth. Carry hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes for an extra level of protection during the times of year when viruses are common.

Avoiding those who are sick is also a good precautionary measure. A child who has croup can easily pass it to other children and might spread it to a susceptible adult. Steer clear of anyone who was recently sick to diminish your odds of catching anything.

Croup In Adults

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