What Is Croup In Adults?

By becky
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Are There Additional Ways to Manage Croup?

For children and adults, time is the best way to manage croup. After receiving medical attention and treatment from a doctor, rest is all a person can do. In cases where an individual must remain in the hospital, additional oxygen or medications can be administered to assist with certain symptoms. For those recovering at home, ample fluids and sleep are key to a speedy recovery. Only take over-the-counter treatments approved by a doctor and avoid cough medications, as these are not effective with lessening the severity or duration of croup symptom.

Croup might not be a common ailment in adults, but this does not mean it is impossible to contract. Reduce the odds of serious viral infection by following simple handwashing procedures and responding fast to the first signs of trouble.

Croup In Adults

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