What Is C. Diff?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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6. Other Lab Investigations

The white blood cell levels are usually elevated in a C. diff infection. This finding also means that the patient has a poorer prognosis. Since C. diff patients are prone to acute kidney injury, serum creatinine levels should also be measured in those with a C. diff infection. Both an elevated white blood cell count and higher serum creatinine levels means that the infection is severe and oral antibiotics should be prescribed.

Severe cases of C. diff infection can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, and hypoalbuminemia (low albumin level). In these cases, electrolyte levels and albumin levels should be monitored. Serum lactate levels should be tested for patients requiring surgical intervention. Measuring biomarker levels can also be useful to distinguish colonization and disease.

C Diff

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