What Is C. Diff?

By jolene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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10. Prognosis

There are some individuals with mild disease that can recover without advance therapy. However, they may experience persistent diarrhea that can significantly affect their quality of life. This is the only reason why treatment is recommended for even mild cases of C. diff. Proper antibiotic prescription has been shown to improve symptoms in more than 95% of mild to moderate cases in as little as 3 to 4 days with resolution in 7 to 10 days.

About 20% to 27% relapse after completing therapy (3 days to 3 weeks). Once there is a relapse, there is a higher risk for more relapse. Individuals with two or more relapses have a relapse rate of 65%. Severe strains of C. diff have been reported to be in United States and several European countries.

C Diff

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