Ringworm Causes, Symptoms & Treatments

By jolene
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Treatment #3: Home Remedies

When using home remedies, keep an eye on the affected area to ensure that it improves. If there is no improvement or it worsens, it may be time to try over the counter medication or seek medical attention. Some of the home remedies used in the treatment of ringworm are using apple cider vinegar (that has antifungal properties) to clean the affected area several times a day, tea tree oil (in sensitive skin, you can dilute the tea tree oil in carrier oil), coconut oil (has antifungal properties), turmeric (can inhibit fungal growth), aloe vera (may help sooth itchiness and inflammation), oregano oil (has strong antifungal properties and inhibit fungal growth), lemongrass oil, and powdered licorice.


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