10 Symptoms of Manic Depression

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=4273
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Symptom #3: Suicidal

When we are down, we can feel pretty terrible. It can be difficult to shake off whatever it is that is upsetting us, and we tend to avoid doing the things we normally enjoy. As unpleasant as it might be though, we usually manage to be able to keep on going until we eventually pull through to a more positive mental state.

For people with manic depression, however, it can seem as though there is no hope in sight. They can feel as though everything is terrible, that they are worthless, and that there is no chance for recovery. This can lead to thoughts of suicide, which is a genuine risk with somebody who suffers from manic depression. If you do know of someone that is harboring such thoughts, you should advise them to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Manic Depression

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