10 Symptoms of Manic Depression

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=4273
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Symptom #5: Guilt

Manic depression can destroy lives. Its destructive symptoms can ruin the lives of the sufferer and cause havoc to the lives of people around them. People can be hurt, and jobs can be lost, leaving a trail of destruction in the lives of the people close to sufferers.

It’s not their fault, though. They don’t want to be the way they are, they’d much rather live a normal life just like everybody else. Regardless, people with manic depression are aware of the impact of their actions and tend to feel terrible guilt about it. When they are not on manic highs, they are likely to be tormented with guilt over all the harm they have caused. It might make them wish that they were not around to do any more harm.

Manic Depression

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