10 Symptoms of Manic Depression

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.medicinenet.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=4273
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Symptom #10: Erratic Thought Patterns

Everybody has experienced confusion at some point. Information can be difficult to understand or there may be too much to process, making it hard to focus on one thing. For simpler matters though, we usually have little difficulty in focusing on the task at hand and coming to a reasonable solution.

However, for people with manic depression it can be very difficult to stay on a single train of thought. They can jump from one completely irrelevant train of thought to another for no reason, often making a connection between the two unrelated topics. This symptom is most noticeable when sufferers are speaking, as they find it difficult to keep on topic and form coherent sentences.

Manic Depression

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