10 Low Estrogen Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #10: Tender Breasts

Mastalgia or breast pain, affects most women at some point in their lives. Most cases of mastalgia are cyclic, meaning that they are related to the menstrual cycle. In their lifespan, women can experience breast fullness or tenderness during the last phase of their menstrual cycles or lutheal phase (a week or so before the period). Cyclic mastalgia is simply a more extreme form of this occurrence. In perimenopausal women, the most common cause of mastalgia is cyclic mastalgia.

Perimenopausal women experiencing this symptom should describe it thoroughly to their physician. The relationship to menses, the type, duration and location of the pain are important characteristics that should be reported to a specialist. Once your doctor has excluded an underlying disease process and is certain of the benign nature of the condition, she can recommend a range of treatments to improve this symptom.

Low Estrogen

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