10 Symptoms of Lead Poisoning

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead_poisoning
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Symptom #9: Indigestion

Our digestive systems are quite sensitive and can be affected by a range of causes. This usually manifests itself with stomach pains and diarrhea which can range from being mildly uncomfortable to potentially dangerous. Lead poisoning can affect the digestive system and indigestion is a symptom of such poisoning.

In addition to pain and diarrhea, patients can also experience acid reflux and stomach ulcers. As the digestive system’s ability to absorb food is impaired, the patient will also get less nourishment from their meals. This can also lead to deficiencies in vitamins and other nutrients which can exacerbate already existing problems.

Lead Poisoning

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