10 Home Remedies For Burns

By albert
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Home Remedy #10: Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Burn injuries, just like any other assault to the body, elicit the body’s defense response in the form of inflammation. Characteristics of inflammation include increased blood flow to the area of injury, which generates a feeling of hotness and a redness appearance. Swelling also occurs due to infiltration of fluids into the surrounding tissue spaces.

All these changes happen as a result of biochemical substances released by the body in response to injury. There are some over-the-counter medications known as anti-inflammatory drugs, which are effective in controlling inflammation and thus providing relief from the pain and swelling. Such medications include ibuprofen. Ensure that you are not allergic to such medications before taking it. You should also be sure that you do not have conditions such as ulcers, which may worsen if you take the anti-inflammatory drugs.


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