10 Home Remedies For Burns

By albert
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According to the World Health Organization fact sheet on burns, there were more than 410,000 burn injuries in the United Sates in 2008. Of these cases, 40,000 required hospitalization, meaning that 370,000 cases were less serious.

This would definitely suggest that although burns are a serious menace, a significant portion of them can be attended to at home. Note, however, that people who have suffered serious burns should be taken to hospital as soon as possible to prevent serious complications including death.

If you or a loved one suffers a burn, and especially a superficial burn, the following 10 home remedies for burns can be useful.


Home Remedy #1: Cool Water

Burns cause the skin to get hot, red, and swollen. This affects the blood vessels close to the skin and causes inflammation.

One way to reduce these symptoms is by immediately running a steady stream of cool water over the surface of the burn for about twenty minutes. While doing this, you must ensure that you do not use very cold water. Cold water would lead to extreme changes in temperature from too hot to too cold, which can reduce blood flow and worsen the burn injury. After running the cool water, you can use mild soap and water to wash the burn area.


Home Remedy #2: Honey

Honey for burn wounds? Yes; honey is not only an all-time sweetener and soothing agent, you can also use it to manage minor wounds and burns. Research has revealed the ability of honey to act as an anti-inflammatory agent. This means that honey lessens the body’s reaction to injuries by countering the effects of the chemicals that produce the characteristic features of inflammation such as swelling and pain.

It has also been demonstrated that honey has the ability to kill bacteria and fungi, which are disease-causing microorganisms that you should be cautious about when the protective skin layer is damaged during burns. To treat minor burns, apply the honey topically to the burn site.


Home Remedy #3: Cool Compresses

Another way of handling minor burn injury is by use of cool compresses. In a cool compress, a piece of cloth soaked in cool water is applied with gentle pressure to the surface with a burn. The pressure and the cool temperature help to relieve pain, and reduce inflammation and swelling. This is similar to what happens when you run cool water over the burn.

The temperature of the water used in cool compresses should not be too low as this can cause irritations to the burn area and worsen the injury. You can repeat application of cool compresses at regular intervals of between 5 to 15 minutes until you notice relief of pain.


Home Remedy #4: Raw Potato

You might be surprised to find out that besides being the cherished source of fries and chips, potatoes can come in handy as a remedy for minor burns. But how can this be so?

When you apply raw potato to a skin area affected by burns, you will experience a soothing effect and relief from irritation caused by the burns. To prepare potato for application to a burn, cut it into slices. Gently press a slice or slices on to the area with the burn until you feel some relief. Alternatively, you can grate the potato and apply the fine chips to the burn. You will get better results if you apply the raw potato within a short time after suffering the burn.


Home Remedy #5: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera has a long reputation in the treatment of not only first-degree, but also second-degree burns. Second-degree burns are more severe compared to first-degree burns because they affect the deeper layers of skin. But what gives aloe vera such effectiveness in managing burns?

Studies have shown the potential of aloe vera in countering the inflammatory responses associated with burning. Besides, the juice of the plant has the capacity to improve the flow of blood in the affected areas, thereby boosting the healing process. Aloe vera also has bacteria-killing properties, making it suitable for the prevention of bacterial infections after burns. You can apply aloe vera gel directly to the burn site. If commercial sources of aloe vera are used, be sure to go for natural aloe vera without additives.


Home Remedy #6: Black Tea

Heat in burnt areas is a major cause of discomfort and pain. Black tea contains a chemical known as tannic acid, which can reduce the heat around a burn site and thereby provide relief.

To apply the black tea, use a piece of cloth soaked in a tea made by steeping tea bags for some time. Make sure that the tea is cool before applying it to the burn. The cloth is held over the burn area to allow the tannic acid to get into the burn site. Alternatively, you can place cold black tea bags directly on the area of the burn. Repeat the treatment at intervals until you experience some relief from pain and discomfort.


Home Remedy #7: Vinegar

Among the various uses of vinegar is its application as an antiseptic. This means that vinegar reduces the number of microorganisms such as bacteria on a surface where it is applied. In the case of burns, this is a beneficial effect as it reduces the chances of infections occurring following the breakdown of skin. Additionally, vinegar helps in the removal of dead tissues and debris, which facilitates the maintenance of a clean surface that promotes healing and further reduces infections.

To use vinegar, mix in a ratio of 1:1 with water and use the mixture to clean the burn site. Thereafter, you can soak a piece of cloth in the solution and use it to cover the affected area. You can change the piece of cloth every 2 to 3 hours until you get relief from pain.


Home Remedy #8: Plantain Leaves

You can use plantain leaves in the treatment of minor burns. There are two properties in plantain leaves that make them one of the practical home remedies for burns. Plantains can counter inflammation as well as kill disease-causing microorganisms.

To use plantain leaves, you will first need to make a paste with the crushed leaves. Apply the paste onto the burn area and leave it on for a while. You can also use a piece of cloth to hold the paste onto the burn. Once the paste has dried, you can remove it and replace it with fresh paste. You can repeat this treatment until there is noticeable relief of the pain and swelling.


Home Remedy #9: Lavender Essential Oil

Minor burns can also be treated using lavender oil. This essential oil has pain-relieving as well as antiseptic properties. An added unique benefit of using lavender oil in managing minor burns is that it reduces the scarring associated with burn wounds. The skin can, therefore, be restored quicker without extensive damage.

Use the essential oil as a compress by soaking a piece of cloth in a container in which you have put a few drops of the oil mixed with water. Apply the piece of cloth to the burn site. Another effective way to use the oil is by mixing it with honey and applying it to the affected area at intervals throughout the day. In this case, the patient benefits from both the effects of oil and honey.


Home Remedy #10: Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Burn injuries, just like any other assault to the body, elicit the body’s defense response in the form of inflammation. Characteristics of inflammation include increased blood flow to the area of injury, which generates a feeling of hotness and a redness appearance. Swelling also occurs due to infiltration of fluids into the surrounding tissue spaces.

All these changes happen as a result of biochemical substances released by the body in response to injury. There are some over-the-counter medications known as anti-inflammatory drugs, which are effective in controlling inflammation and thus providing relief from the pain and swelling. Such medications include ibuprofen. Ensure that you are not allergic to such medications before taking it. You should also be sure that you do not have conditions such as ulcers, which may worsen if you take the anti-inflammatory drugs.


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