10 Foods To Avoid for Gout Diet

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Gout Diet Food to Avoid #6: Red Meat

When dealing with gout, it is important to avoid meats, especially organ meats, such as liver, kidney and sweetbreads. These have high levels of purine and contribute to increasing levels of uric acid. If you are having a gout flare up, it is important to avoid all foods with moderate and high levels of purine, especially beef.

If a gout attack is occurring, it is considered safe to eat 4-6 ounces of organic, grass-fed beef a few times per week. High quality beef that has not received hormones or antibiotics is best to choose from. The best red meat for gout is from cows that were fed grass, not corn. The grass source should be an organic pasture or from organic hay.


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