10 Foods To Avoid for Gout Diet

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Gout Diet Food to Avoid #4: Orange Juice

Considering that the average American eats 22 to 30 teaspoons of sugar daily, it is important to consider its impact on gout. Many juices that contain added sweeteners increase the risk for gout. Research suggests that there has been some evidence that high fructose fruit juices may be associated with the risk of gout. Fructose is added to drinks, however it is also naturally occurring in orange juice.

As the body breaks down fructose, purines are released. The purines are broken down and produce the uric acid that gets stuck in joints in the form of painful crystals. Research suggests that it only takes minutes for uric acid levels to rise after drinking sugar sweetened beverages.


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