10 Symptoms of a Gluten Allergy

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://acaai.org/allergies/types/food-allergies/types-food-allergy/wheat-gluten-allergy
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Symptom #4: Bloating

Eat too much food or drink too many gassy drinks and you are likely to feel bloated. As we digest our food gases are released, expanding what is already likely to be a pretty full stomach. It will usually pass in time though, often helped with the passing of gas out of our bodies.

However, sometimes bloating can take place even after eating smaller meals, and this could be an indication of a gluten allergy. Bloating is a common symptom among people that are intolerant to gluten, with more than 80& of patients suffering from the symptom.

Gluten Allergy

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