10 Gangrene Symptoms

By dr. mera
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3. Severe Pain

Pain a subjective sensation that is present in most types of gangrenes. For example, in the early stages of dry gangrene, a dull and aching pain can appear. Then, the affected extremity becomes cold, wrinkled, and dry, but insensitive to the touch. If untreated, self-detachment of the dead tissue from the viable tissue can occur (autoamputation). This a very uncomfortable phase for the affected person, and it usually takes several months. Additionally, complications may arise in the process. For example, the wound may become infected and progress to wet gangrene, which is commonly an extremely painful condition.

Gangrene can also occur in internal organs, such as the intestines, appendix, and gallbladder. When the blood flow to an internal organ is restricted, tissue death occurs and internal gangrene ensues. The specific name for the condition will depend on the organ affected.


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