10 Gangrene Symptoms

By dr. mera
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8. Confusion

The alteration of a person’s mental status or brain function can sometimes be characterized as confusion. It is a nonspecific symptom, and it can be seen in many conditions. A person in this state will usually have difficulty focusing during a conversation and they will have random and disorganized thoughts. Simultaneously, they can also exhibit alterations in awareness or disorientation (on time and place).

Unfortunately, if the bacterial infection from the gangrenous area spreads throughout the body it can cause a life-threatening condition known as sepsis. Importantly, sepsis is not an exclusive process of gangrene. Sepsis is defined as an abnormal and exaggerated bodily response to an infection, that triggers changes that can harm multiple organs. This can cause severe organ dysfunction and progress to septic shock and death. In sepsis, mental status changes can occur due to inadequate perfusion and oxygen delivery to the brain.


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