10 Gangrene Symptoms

By dr. mera
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10. Crepitus

Crepitus is a clinical sign characterized by a crackling sound and/or sensation under de skin, in the joints, or around the lungs. It denotes the infiltration of gas in a tissue where it does not normally belong. If gas penetrates the tissues under the skin it is known as subcutaneous crepitus. Furthermore, when touching the area, it will have a characteristic crackling sound and/or sensation, that has even been compared to touching puffed rice.

Gas gangrene is produced by bacteria of the Clostridium genus. These are bacteria that produce gas within tissues through the fermentation of sugars. Gas can accumulate beneath the skin or within deeper tissues and cause crepitus. If a person that has suffered a traumatic injury presents with a rapid onset of local swelling, crepitus, and black or necrotic tissue, they should be promptly evaluated for gas gangrene.


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