10 Causes of Upper Back Pain

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #8: Herniated Disc

The spine is composed of 33 vertebrae. Between most of these vertebrae are discs. Discs are flexible, yet firm, in order to function for a lifetime of shock absorption. These discs provide lubrication and keep the vertebrae in place. Deep within each disc there is a softer, gel like substance called the nucleus. In some instances, this nucleus is pushed to the outer portions of the discs causing a bulge. The condition is known as a herniated disc.

When the hernia occurs in the thoracic region it can push against nerves, and cause upper back pain. In addition to this, the vertebrae on the top and bottom of the disc no longer have the necessary lubrication between them. This interferes with their movement and is another cause of upper back pain. Disc hernias result from strain due to heavy lifting, carrying heavy objects or other factors like obesity and are more common in older people.

Upper Back Pain

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