10 Causes of Upper Back Pain

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cause #10: Tumor

A tumor in the upper part of the spine can cause upper back pain. Whether such a tumor originated from another part of the body and metastasized to the upper back or it began within the upper back, as it grows in size, it presses against tissue in the region. It also presses against nerves and causes upper back pain.

Because a tumor occupies space which it should not be occupying, it interferes with the workings of the surrounding tissues. The growth may also be cancerous and endanger the life of an individual. For these reasons consult a doctor if you notice a mass or swelling in your back irrespective of whether it causes upper back pain or not. Understand also that a tumor within the spine may not be seen with the naked eye.

Upper Back Pain

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