Carcinoid Syndrome Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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4. Breathing Difficulties

Not being able to breathe properly is something that should be taken seriously as we simply must get the oxygen that we need to survive. Some people, however, are born with, or will develop, conditions that will affect their ability to breathe properly.

Patients with carcinoid syndrome will sometimes find that they have shortness of breath, also known as dyspnea. This symptom is caused by the hormones released by the carcinoid tumor, and it is likely to occur simultaneously with the flushing of the skin. These substances can cause bronchospasm (asthma-like attacks) or a sudden constriction of the smooth muscle that surrounds the wall of the smaller branches of the bronchial airway (bronchioles), making it difficult to breathe. Other signs and symptoms of bronchospasm include cough, wheezing, and a sensation of tightness in the chest.

On the other hand, the carcinoid tumor itself, if it is located in the lungs, can also cause shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and hemoptysis (coughing up of blood). Complication of this condition, such as pneumonia, can also cause these symptoms. Finally, if the carcinoid tumor is located in the bowel, it may cause gastrointestinal bleeding and subsequent anemia. Shortness of breath and fatigue are two common symptoms of anemia, regardless of the cause.

Carcinoid Syndrome

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