Botulism: 10 Symptoms of Botulism

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Symptom #10: Paralysis

There are at least 650 separate muscles in the human body, all of which perform different functions. Some of them are not so important and might just move an extremity, others are essential and we would not be able to live without them. If we were to lose the ability to control them, then our lives could become very different indeed.

Botulism can lead to paralysis of the muscles. In addition to symptoms explained above, it can leave patients barely able to move at all, potentially leaving them wheelchair-bound, or worse. Patients will sometimes face a long period of therapy to help them recover.

For patients with botulism, the paralysis usually follows a descending pattern. Starting with the muscles of the face and throat. As the disease progresses, the paralysis may reach the extremities and even the muscles involved with respiration.


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