10 Benefits of Peppermint Tea

By tallene
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Benefit #8: Freshens Breath

Many toothpastes, mint, and gum flavors contain peppermint and there is a reason for this. One of the reasons is that peppermint has an amazing smell. However, in addition to its amazing smell, peppermint has antibacterial properties that help kill germs that cause dental plaque. This killing of germs can improve bad breath.

One study found that rinsing your mouth for a week with peppermint mouth wash improved breath smell in comparison to the control group. This is likely due to the ability of the peppermint mouth wash to kill off built up plaque. This effect was also studied in individuals who underwent severe surgery procedures. Unable to follow proper dental hygiene, participants were given a mouth wash. Like the first study, improved breath was seen in the experimental group but not the control.

Peppermint Tea

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