10 Benefits of Ezekiel Bread

By tallene
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Ezekiel Bread Benefit #10: Sprouting Grains, What?

Continuing on from the introduction, sprouting grains are in its purest form and have not been tampered or treated in any way. When the conditions are just right which includes temperature, light, water, etc, then the grains will actually begin to grow and begin their fermentation process which produces the amazing probiotics! How does this happen?

Well, basically, the grains still have their reproductive parts and are able to reproduce, grow, and do their thing! Ezekiel bread is made from these sprouting grains and that’s why the bread has so many nutrients and benefits. The purest forms of seeds, legumes, and grains make up Ezekiel bread and combine all of the nutrients together from protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals. Welcome to the party!

Ezekiel Bread

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