10 Benefits of Cocoa Powder

By tallene
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Cocoa Powder Benefit #7: Treats Asthma

Theobromine and theophylline are bronchodilator drugs that are used to treat asthma. They are also compounds found in cocoa. About 1.9 grams of theobromine are found in 100 grams of cocoa. Theophylline helps the lungs dilate and relaxes the airways, thus decreasing inflammation.

Studies suggest that cocoa reduces the constriction of the airways and tissue thickness. One study shows that unsweetened natural cocoa powder has antihistaminic properties when administered orally. The theophylline in cocoa was also a top-line asthma medicine in the 1970s. However, although theophylline found in cocoa is a bronchodilator, the effect can be mild compared to the drug form.

Cocoa Powder

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