What Is TMJ Syndrome?
7. What Medical Solutions are There for TMJ Disorders?
For chronic and more severe symptoms, the doctor may recommend numerous treatment options.
If issues with the teeth or bite are part of the issue, a dentist may perform dental work such as braces, bridges or crowns. A night guard or splint may be used to reduce grinding of the teeth or to correct biting issues.
Over-the-counter remedies, such as anti-inflammatories, often help ease the pain, but the doctor may prescribe something a little stronger if OTC meds do not do the trick. The doctor may prescribe muscle relaxants on a temporary basis to help control strong muscle spasms. Low doses of antidepressants help relieve pain and improve sleep. Anti-anxiety medication may help the patient relax, which relieves the muscles surrounding the joint. If more conservative methods do not bring results, surgery may be recommended.