What Is the FODMAP Diet?

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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8. Examples of Low FODMAP Foods

Vegetables like beansprouts, carrots, eggplant, bok choy, potato, lettuce, cucumbers, chives, olives, ginger, turnips, bell peppers, collard greens, kale, fennel, parsley, common cabbage, zucchini, swiss chard, squash, yams, sweet potatoes, and spring onions.

Fruits like strawberries, blueberries, oranges, limes, lemons, bananas, avocado, kiwi, papaya, plantain, pineapples, raspberries, and cantaloupe. Grains like oats, rice, quinoa, corn, and gluten-free pasta. Dairy, and dairy alternatives, like lactose-free milk, hard cheese, lactose-free yogurt, almond milk, and coconut milk. Nuts, and seeds like peanuts, walnuts, almonds, macadamia, and pine nuts. Sweeteners like glucose, brown sugar, powdered sugar, maple syrup, and sucrose. Protein foods like chicken, eggs, beef, fish, turkey, tofu, lamb, and pork. All fats and oils.


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