What Is Pernicious Anemia?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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5. Fatigue

One fairly common symptom in people who have anemia, regardless of the cause, is fatigue. Fatigue is a sensation of tiredness that encompasses a range of complaints including malaise, lethargy, lassitude, and exhaustion. It is a nonspecific symptom; thus it can be observed in many conditions.

This happens because the body’s cells need oxygen in order to generate energy. In instances of pernicious anemia, there is less oxygen in the blood, which means that less oxygen is delivered to the tissues. Thus, the body will not be able to generate sufficient energy for all its metabolic functions. Additionally, the heart has to work harder to move more oxygen-rich blood around the body, which can cause the person to experience tiredness.

Pernicious Anemia

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