What Is Emphysema?

By jolene
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3. Epidemiology

The National Health Interview Survey has reported that there are 18 cases per 1,000 individuals with asthma while there are 34 cases per 1,000 individuals of chronic bronchitis. Globally, the Burden of Obstructive Lung Disease study reported that the worldwide prevalence of COPD to be 10.1%. However, this number can differ based on different locations and gender. They observed that the prevalence is higher among men (8.6% to 22.2%) compared to women (5.1% to 16.7%). Based on the Proyecto Latino Americano de Investigacion en Obstruccion Pulmonar (PLATINO) study, the rates have been found to be similar. Due to the increase in smoking among women in the last 3 decades, the difference in prevalence between genders has declined.


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