What Is Dysthymic Disorder?

By kara
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9. Can Dysthymic Disorder Be Prevented?

Because the causes are varied, it can be difficult to identify a precise prevention plan for dysthymic disorder. The best prevention strategies include reducing stress, remaining connected to loved ones and reaching out for treatment at the earliest opportunity. These may not completely prevent a person from experiencing feelings of hopelessness, but reducing feelings of social isolation and other symptoms can reduce the severity and longevity of the disorder.

Find ways to increase your resilience and work through any gloomy thoughts or feelings of hopelessness. Look for friends and family you can trust discussing your feelings and don’t hesitate to reach out during a tragic or particularly stressful time. If you’ve gone through a successful treatment plan with this disorder, be sure to have a long-term maintenance plan in place to prevent a relapse from affecting your quality of life.

Dysthymic Disorder

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