What Is Dysthymic Disorder?

By kara
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4. How Is It Diagnosed?

There are a few key factors that need to be present in order to receive a diagnosis for this disorder. Mental health professionals look for direct observations or subjective accounts of depressed moods and other symptoms for at least two years. Adolescents and children should exhibit these moods for at least one year. These symptoms should remain for much of the duration and never have a symptom-free period over two months at a time.

Professionals look for at least two common depressive symptoms, such as low self-esteem, feelings of hopelessness, appetite issues, low energy or insomnia. An individual with dysthymia shouldn’t have disturbances that are better characterized as other disorders, such as delusional disorder or schizophrenia. Psychological effects should not be attributable to substance abuse. There should be no appearance of hypomanic or manic episodes during the duration of the two-year observation.

Dysthymic Disorder

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