What Is Dysthymic Disorder?

By kara
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3. When Should Someone See a Doctor?

Many of those with dysthymic disorder believe that these symptoms are simply a part of their personality. It can be difficult to reach out for help when symptoms have occurred for so long. However, it’s important to reach out for medical assistance if you or someone you know is experiencing one or more of these symptoms. Dysthymia can negatively affect an individual’s ability to go to work or engage in social activities.

Work with a mental health professional to discuss options. If you’re reluctant to work with a health care professional, find someone else you trust to encourage you to receive the assistance you need. Explore the diagnostic information in the DSM-5 to determine whether you or a loved one may be diagnosed with dysthymic disorder. There are many related depressive disorders, so a qualified, experienced health care professional is required to diagnose and prescribe treatment options for this disorder.

Dysthymic Disorder

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