What Is Dysthymia?

By kyle
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9. Causes

There is no one widely-accepted cause for persistent depressive disorder. There are, however, many associated factors. For example, people under stress that is either severe or chronic can experience a change in brain chemistry that affects the regulation of mood. Specifically, levels of the hormone cortisol increase in response to stress, and neurotransmitters like dopamine decrease. Corticosteroid medications can produce similar changes.

Some individuals, due to either heredity or habit, have poor strategies when it comes to dealing with problems. Those who tend to brood and over-think problems instead of employing creative problem solving are especially prone to DPP. Also at risk, are people with personality traits that are gloomy, pessimistic, or overly sensitive to criticism. Traumatic experiences become overwhelming for people with these characteristics, and they can easily fall into depression.


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