What Is Dysthymia?

By kyle
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8. Childhood Dysthymia

It was once believed that children were not mature enough to experience clinical depression. However, scientists now know that 1% of children aged 3 to 4, 2% of those aged 5 to 12, and 5 to 8% of older children do experience depression of some kind. Of those with dysthymic disorder, one study showed that 76% went on to become severely depressed and that 13% developed bipolar disorder within 12 years.

Children are susceptible to all the same symptoms of PDD as adults, but they often will manifest in slightly different ways. For example, the most common sign of depression in children is extreme irritability. Because volatile moods and defiance of authority are normal parts of adolescent behavior, caregivers can sometimes be oblivious to childhood depression. Parents who notice a bad mood lasting for over two weeks should enquire as to the child’s feelings and consider seeking help from a professional.


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