What Is Dysthymia?

By kyle
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6. Treatment

As with most psychological disorders, treatment consists of medicine and behavioral therapy. Drugs typically prescribed are MAO inhibitors (phenelzine), serotonin uptake inhibitors (fluoxetine), and tricyclic antidepressants (imipramine). In the 1990s, the drug Prozac was extremely popular. A 2011 survey found that 1 in 10 Americans were prescribed an antidepressant for various forms of depression, including PDD.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is used to change dysfunctional patterns of thinking into more realistic and productive ones. Through it, PDD patients learn to improve the content of their self-talk and to relate to other people in mutually beneficial ways. They also learn to change destructive daily activity patterns. Interpersonal therapy also can be employed to manage more serious conflicts with others.


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